The Dr. Dumas A. Harshaw, Jr. Jubilee Choir was formed in 2022.
As a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic our church doors were closed for live worship in March 2020. Our church doors remained closed for approximately 17 months. We resumed live worship in September of 2021. As a precaution, the choirs that were previously active remained on hiatus. To celebrate the Silver Jubilee Anniversary of our pastor Dr. Dumas A. Harshaw, Jr., a new choir was formed and named in his honor.
The choir’s first appearance was on Sunday August 28, 2022. The choir provided music for the official Silver Jubilee Pastoral Anniversary Service. The choir’s ministry of music was well received. It was decided shortly thereafter that the choir would minister music on the 4th Sunday of each month.
The choir rehearses on Saturdays before the second and fourth Sundays each month*. New members are always welcome. Interested persons may send an email to